On Children | God Talk with TeraOn Children | God Talk with Tera
A short ponder and prayer on the blessing of children. Psalm 127 Very short talk tonight. I pray you will forgive me, and that you will join me in the[...]
A short ponder and prayer on the blessing of children. Psalm 127 Very short talk tonight. I pray you will forgive me, and that you will join me in the[...]
On Perfection sermon John 1, 14; 1 John 4 Of the Holy Spirit Wesleyan teaching has some distinctions in its doctrines that are not found anywhere else. Tonight I explore[...]
On Love sermon 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4; agapaó, agapé, agapétos, perfect “The enemy can challenge your calling and mine, when our loves are out of order, with ease.”[...]
On Sin sermon Romans 14:13-23; Genesis 3 A little bit on Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, a little bit on forbidden fruit, a little bit on Jesus. What makes sin sinful?[...]
On Being Hollowed sermon Psalm 51; Matthew 9; Luke 5; John 21 Jesus in the Wild[...]
On Encounter sermon Scriptures for exploring some of the reactions we see to earthly encounter with the Living God. Mark 9; Luke 4, 7; Matthew 8; Acts 7; Galatians 5 [...]
On Age sermon Acts 7; 2 Timothy 1; Genesis 13 We are navigating a time where age is often idolized or marginalized, or both at the same time. The sense[...]
On Battle sermon. 2 Peter 3:3-9, Ephesians 6:5-20 The Lord is pouring out His Spirit to help us stay armored, and He is inviting all those who will come to[...]
On Darkness sermon Mark 5:1-9, Luke 9:1-2 As God begins to move in the world demonic encounters will occur for God’s people. We must seek His help in understanding what[...]
On Doctrines Sermon Ephesians 4, Hebrews 13 Please continue to be in prayer for all that is going on at Asbury University, the students who are there, those who are[...]