On Age | God Talk with TeraOn Age | God Talk with Tera
On Age sermon Acts 7; 2 Timothy 1; Genesis 13 We are navigating a time where age is often idolized or marginalized, or both at the same time. The sense[...]
On Age sermon Acts 7; 2 Timothy 1; Genesis 13 We are navigating a time where age is often idolized or marginalized, or both at the same time. The sense[...]
On Doctrines Sermon Ephesians 4, Hebrews 13 Please continue to be in prayer for all that is going on at Asbury University, the students who are there, those who are[...]
On the Ground in Kentucky sermon Awake O sleeper and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Testimony from Hughes Auditorium in Wilmore, Kentucky and the Asbury[...]