Ancient Remedies – Fabled Frankincense

Frankincense Tree (Oman) {Photo Credit: Wikipedia}
Frankincense Tree (Oman) {Photo Credit: Wikipedia}

By: Tera Ertz

“And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11

We are coming into that season of the year where we are reminded of the gift of the Christ. One of the most fascinating aspects of my studies this year has been the realization that God has provided a wealth of knowledge and instruction in the Bible that we tend to disregard in today’s science and technology driven society.

One of these bits of knowledge is the various plants mentioned in the Bible, and their uses. Frankincense is one of those plants that gets quite a bit of attention in the Bible because it was a precious commodity, even back then, and used for many religious ceremonies.[1] We associate it with Christmas because most of us grew up with the story of the Magi and their gifts.

But, modern science has demonstrated that there is more to this wonderful plant group than simply smelling good or being used as a trading item, which might explain why in a world where science was unknown, medicine was rudimentary, and illness was rampant, a gift of frankincense would have been so highly prized.

According to The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy,[2]frankincense has been used in treating bronchitis and other respiratory ailments, fevers, stress related illness, and most significantly for the time, wounds, sores and skin infections. Leprosy was a common ailment in biblical times, leaving people outcast from society, destitute and rejected. It seems fitting that one of the first gifts given to the Son of Man would be the earthly reflection of His divine power to make us clean. Be blessed and be a blessing.

Are you interested in learning more about essential oils? Would you like to try some out for yourself or give it as gift? Please stop by our Young Living store to get your frankincense, either by itself, or as part of the wonderful Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture kit.


The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Tera Ertz is the founder of Hope and Change Ministries, author of God Talk: The Beginning, mother of five, and a child of God. You can find her on Facebook, or subscribe to Hope and Change Ministries or Contagious Transformations to keep up with the latest.

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