Praise and Prayer – Thanksgiving 2013


Father thank you for Your grace and provision. Thank you for the blessing of friends and family, food and fellowship. We so often fail to remember the gifts You have given us in the midst of our day to day lives. Thank you for this day that we have set aside to remind us to focus on what we have instead of what we lack. Thank you for the healing and comfort that comes from a focus on lifting praises to You.

Today we know there are those who are lost in the pain of their lives. They are ill, without jobs, homes, or loved ones who cannot be with them. They feel alone, hopeless, and overwhelmed with the burdens of this life. There are those who cannot see the bounty of your blessing because their felt needs are so great. Please be with them tonight Father, open their eyes to Your presence, open their hearts to Your love. Fill Your children with the strength, courage and compassion to reach out and be Your hands, heart and voice for those who have not come to know you. In the name of Your Son, we give You all praise, Amen.

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