To the Atheists, Agnostics, and Others
It is pretty clear from what I’ve posted so far that this ministry is geared toward folks who are Christian. I wanted to explain a couple of things about that. Christian life has two elements when it comes to teaching and preaching. There is evangelizing and there is pastoral, for lack of a better word, preaching and teaching. All of us are called to do a little of each. But, I notice those who God gifts to speak for Him tend
to be better at one or the other.
My last pastor was very much an evangelist. His overwhelming desire and calling was to reach those without a relationship with Jesus Christ, the atheists, agnostics and others. That was evident in his preaching style and the messages he preached. It was a little harder for him to focus on growing Christians once they came to know Christ. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still growing himself, and he was a terrific pastor. There was just a definite tilt in his Gifts toward evangelism.
Speaking to the Body
As I explored my call, and God helped me narrow my focus, it became pretty evident that I am not primarily Gifted in evangelism. The focus of my insights, understanding, and what I speak out about are specific. They apply to those who have already accepted Christ, but haven’t figured out what to do with that relationship. Or it leans toward those who are struggling with something in their walk. The majority of people God puts in my path are Christians who are seeking a way to live out their faith. As a result, the ministry focuses on those folks.
However, I do actually have friends who are not Christian, as I am sure many of you do. And while this ministry may seem exclusionary, it really isn’t. I may not be specifically called to evangelism. I am, none the less, good at it when God places the opportunity in my path. He gifted me the ability to communicate the value of Christian ideas and principles to those who do not accept the Bible as truth. Those conversations typically bring a better understanding to all involved.
Grace to the Atheist, Agnostic, and Others
One of the most common things I see when Christians talk to atheists, agnostics, and others, especially in areas of politics, is an inability to get past the defensiveness on both sides. We end up with a lot of misunderstanding, hurt feelings and divisions. In the end it damages our ability to carry God’s message into the world. I pray as this ministry grows it will equip my fellow Christians with confidence and grace for those conversations. I also hope to create insight for those who don’t believe. The goal is to provide a window into what we believe and why we believe it.
I know that Christ is the way, the truth and the life. I know that decisions both personal and public are best when based on biblical principle. But, I also know that only Christ can save souls, that’s not my job. The Bible tells me my job is to be the best advocate for Christ and for the Bible that I can be. The rest I leave in His very capable hands. If you have friends that are outside the faith, if there is friction there on matters of politics or religion, please feel free to invite them to check out the blog and join the conversation on the Facebook page. Communication is key to living in peace with everyone as much as it depends on us.